"Just lettin' you know my 3 stringer came in today and I love it! You were right it is such a blast to play. Thank you.😎"
"Mine came yesterday and I love it! Sweeeet sounding, thanks Terry! " usa custom guitars
After 3 years of attempting to teach myself how to play a 6 string electric guitar I came across Terry Mojo Johnson on YouTube while looking at guitar lessons. Fell in love with the unique guitars he makes and their awesome sound. When he released the Mojo music maker I had to have one. One post after "voting" on picture or plain my wait was over and order was placed. I've had my Mojo music maker 3 days now and had a blast playing it. This bad boy sounds awesome, easy to change tuning, easy to fret and has allowed me get my Mojo on. Great job Terry, well done. Me and number "10" have became good friend's.
Each instrument unique. Each is created with heart and soul. They are fun to play and have good sound. They are pieces of art that can be used to bring music into your home.
George A. Schmitz Jr. So that very special Guitar that I was having built as a tribute for the meaning of “Freedom” is finished.
I would like to thank Terry MoJo Johnson of for taking the time to build such a beautiful piece of art. Your work and time behind this build along with the emails and phone communication were awesome. This is my most prized guitar added to my collection. I’m so glad to have seen your band The Swamp Drivers. When I seen your Harley themed guitar, I just knew I had to have one... I’m proud of your work and will play this with pride. If you ever get out my way to the western parts and the Rocky Mountains we will have to just get the Unknown Soldier out and jam.. Awesome build amigo I’m lost for words... thank you so much
Check out this great video
This is Terry Mojo Johnson of Mojo Johnson Guitars. Awhile back I was contacted by George Schmitz to make a custom personalized guitar for him. He asked if I could make him a military theme guitar. As we talked about the guitar build, every piece of the guitar had a military meaning behind it. To me it's not about the guitar as much as the story George told me. The following are parts of his email to me and his reasoning for the parts I used.
I chose this theme because as a veteran from a family of veterans that started in WWII through Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield, I’m proud to honor all branches of the military. My family has served in all four branches. Army, Navy, Air-Force and Marines. I was in The Army reserve and the latterly moved to active duty Marine Corps during the Desert Storm/Desert Shield . My dad was Navy during Vietnam along with both of his brothers. My Grandpa was in WWII. One cousin was Air-Force, one cousin Airborne Ranger Army and another cousin, also Army. You can tell I come from a long line of Veterans in my gene pool. I have friends that have served our country and retired as well. This is my way of thanking each and every veteran that has ever served our country to protect and defend our freedoms. It represents what the USA American dream stands for in the hearts of many. I feel that we have hit the ball into space with your Mojo Magic!! I feel that everyone that sees this guitar will be breathless as the beauty and meaning will make us stop and think! We take for granted the cost of being a US citizen and I feel that this Unknown Soldier represents the cost. Thanks for the Mojo Magic, George
*The Unknown soldier pin had to be on the headstock of the guitar, to show respect to the ones that paid the ultimate sacrifice.
*The Derby cover (the center piece on the guitar) “THE TRUE HEROES ARE THE ONES WHO NEVER MADE IT HOME”
*Guitar strap is of the US flag. “ It’s the common goal of the military to protect and I believe it flies high above every branch as they all take pride in ol’ glory”
*He picked all the military coins. ARMY – MARINE CORPS – NAVY – AIR FORCE – US COAST GUARD. Last, the 3rd U.S. INFANTRY REGIMENT that guards the tomb of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER.
*He chose the motorcycle theme because Harley Davidson had close ties to the mobility during WWI.
*The buttons on the volume and tone knobs are from his relatives Army Class A uniform. He was an Airborne Ranger.
*The military coins placement was in the shape of the US Pentagon.